
joi, 21 ianuarie 2010

Seems like i am the dramatic type, though i have never liked dramas or maybe i taught that neither of one is good enough so i preffered to create my own. Is true, i have had the perfect material for this, but maybe i should have ignored everything and act like nothing unnormal ever happened...but i preffered to take it all, put it on a box and from time to time take out all that misery, dress with it, get full of it, throw it on the ones who provoked it...and all this because actually i couldn't bear it, i couldn't get over it, i couldn't forget...forgive...though i wanted so much to forgive her, i implored her to help me to forgive her...but she is there, in her world, where she thinks she is someone else, where she forgets all those bad things like it never happened...and i implored her again and again...till today. Today...when i am writing this and wondering if i still love her, when i realise that i really should have left long time ago...blood from her blood and though so different, so far away one from another, strangers...so i leave her asking myself if i will miss her, if she will miss me, if she will ever call or remember me being her daughter...

2 comentarii:

George Colang spunea...

asta da titlu! :)

guest spunea...

@Offshore...la idei blonde am nevoie de titluri pe masura:)